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Trains in Poland
International Trains
Custom Price Quote

Use this form to request a ticket price quote (for domestic travel in Poland as well as for international connections to and from Poland and throughout Europe) for routes not offered in our Quick Booking system. Once we receive your inquiry, our staff with find the best schedule and price for your travel, and you'll then be able to order through our online store. Please allow 1–2 working days for a reply (complicated itineraries may take longer). You must include a valid e-mail address if you want a reply!


In many cases, it's best to book tickets between 10 and 60 days before travel to find the lowest prices! We can ship tickets worldwide, and we also have pickup points in most major cities in Poland, or can also ship directly to your hotel.



Contact details

Full name*
E-mail address*
Repeat E-mail address*
Telephone number
Your city and country*

Travel details

Departure time
Number of passengers If there are more than 5 passengers, please visit our Group Travel page.
1st passenger sex*
1st passenger age*
2nd passenger sex*
2nd passenger age*
3rd passenger sex*
3rd passenger age*
4th passenger sex*
4th passenger age*
5th passenger sex*
5th passenger age*
Accommodation type 
Do you have a rail pass? 
Additional information 

Customer Comments

Not sure if it would help you at all, but I would like to share...that I received excellent service from you. You can feel free to forward this note on or provide an email address. Or feel free to choose the latter and just accept my words of gratitude.
2015-11-10, S.M.
See more comments

Currency Converter

Our prices are in
Polish złoty (PLN).

You can convert an amount to your currency here.

Contact & Help

Need help? Check our FAQ

or contact us:

Tel.: +48-52-3325781

E-mail: contact@polrail.com

Company Headquarters Customer Service Office:

1/3 Kr. Jadwigi Street
85-231 Bydgoszcz

We are open from 0900 to 1700CET from Monday through Friday.

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