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Trains in Poland
International Trains
Custom Price Quote
Here you can book direct trains between major cities in Poland.
Step 1: Choose a route

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Click above for a custom price quote.
We can book most trains in Europe
Step 2: Tell us who is travelling

Depart date Depart travel

Return date Return travel

Travel class

one way ticket

Step 3: Choose your class of travel

1st class 2nd class

Step 4: Tell us when you want to go
Note! Due to ongoing engineering work in Warsaw, not all trains will be serving Warszawa Centralna (main) station. Some trains will be diverted to or serve: Warszawa Wschodnia (east station), Warszawa Zachodnia (west station), Warszawa Gdanska (Gdansk station) or Warszawa Srodmiescie (commuter station in city centre). Please pay attention to the Warsaw station shown when booking.
PLEASE NOTE!: Some train schedules will change on 16 October. The times shown for this date and after are estimated and subject to change!
  • PKP InterCity tickets issued up to 30 days in advance.
  • Polregio tickets issued up to 30 days in advance.
  • Only direct connections shown.
  • If you need only reservations (to an InterRail or Eurail pass), please click here.
  • If you need another option not shown here (including sleeper or couchette), please click here for a custom price quote.
Step 5: Choose a train

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Customer Comments

I would like to THANK YOU very much for putting together the rail tickets for the sixteen trains we travelled on over the four week period from Russia to Italy. We had a most wonderful experience, and so stress free with your help, we would and will recommend your services to any one who wishes to take train travel through Europe. You have made our trip one to remember, and your attention to detail is first class , once again our appreciation to you.
2013-08-22, M.P.
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Currency Converter

Our prices are in
Polish złoty (PLN).

You can convert an amount to your currency here.

Contact & Help

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or contact us:

Tel.: +48-52-3325781

E-mail: contact@polrail.com

Company Headquarters Customer Service Office:

1/3 Kr. Jadwigi Street
85-231 Bydgoszcz

We are open from 0900 to 1700CET from Monday through Friday.

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